Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Agenda Item 8


Subject:                    Trans Health Update


Date of meeting:    13 July 2022


Report of:                 Executive Director, Governance, People & Resources


Contact Officer:      Name: Giles Rossington

                                    Tel: 01273 295514



Ward(s) affected:   All



For general release




1.            Purpose of the report and policy context


1.1         Cllrs Clare and Powell submitted a letter to the 12 April 2022 HOSC meeting, asking for a report on health service provision for Trans people, and specifically for an update on plans to establish local Gender Identity services to come to the HOSC (see Appendix 1).


1.2         The HOSC Chair agreed this request and asked NHS colleagues to provide information on Trans health services in general, and specifically on plans for a local Gender Identity service. Appendix 2 to this report contains information provided by Sussex NHS commissioners.


1.3         Some Trans Health services are commissioned by NHS England (NHSE) on a regional or a national basis. These include Gender Identity services, where there is currently an active tender for a Sussex-wide service. NHSE have noted that they are unable to speak publicly about a service whilst procurement is ongoing, and have instead offered to attend the subsequent (October 2022) HOSC to present on this and the other specialist Trans Health services they commission.


2.            Recommendations


2.1         That the Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee notes the information contained in this report.




3.            Context and background information


3.1         In 2012, the city council established a member Scrutiny Panel to look at a range of issues affecting local Trans people. The Panel worked closely with the local Trans community to produce a report (published 2013) which included a number of recommendations to improve health services for Trans people. The report identified a need for a better understanding of the health needs of the Trans community; better awareness of Trans health issues for GPs and other frontline health services; and for the development of local specialist gender identity services. In 2015, the city council and the CCG published a comprehensive Needs Assessment for Trans Health which included recommendations for service improvement.


3.2         In April 2022, Cllrs Clare and Powell submitted a member letter to the HOSC requesting an update on Trans health services in the city, to specifically include information on the development of a local Gender Identity service. The HOSC Chair agreed to bring a report to the next HOSC meeting (July 2022).


3.3         Commissioning arrangements for Trans healthcare are complex, with general adult services being commissioned by CCGs (from 01 July 2022 by the Sussex Integrated Care System: ICS); services for young people commissioned by NHS England; and specialist adult services (including gender identity services) commissioned by NHS England, both on a regional and a national basis. The HOSC Chair has been advised that it would be difficult to cover fully the range of young people and adult services in one meeting, and that it would therefore be sensible to take a separate report on young people Trans services at a future meeting. An additional complication is that a Gender Identity service for Sussex is currently being procured by NHSE. The tender process is live, and whilst it remains so, NHSE are unable to discuss publicly key elements of GIC services. NHSE commissioners have offered to attend a HOSC meeting once the tender is complete to present and answer questions on the Trans Health services they commission. Given this, the HOSC Chair has decided that an additional item will be scheduled at the October 2022 HOSC meeting. This item will cover Trans Health services scrutinised by NHSE commissioners: i.e. children & young people’s services and specialist adult services, including the GIC.


3.4         The paper provided by NHS colleagues for this meeting therefore relates to locally-commissioned services for adults. Members will have an opportunity, at the October 2022 HOSC meeting, to scrutinise young people services and specialist adult services.


4.            Analysis and consideration of alternative options


4.1         Not relevant to this report for information.


5.            Community engagement and consultation


5.1         Details of community engagement in the design and delivery of Trans health services is included in the appendices to this report.


6.            Conclusion


6.1         Members are asked to note information about Trans health services.


7.            Financial implications


7.1      None for this information report




8.            Legal implications


8.1       There are no legal implications to this report


Name of lawyer consulted: Elizabeth Culbert     Date consulted (01/07/22):


9.            Equalities implications


9.1         Gender reassignment is one of the protected characteristics identified by the 2010 Equalities Act.


10.         Sustainability implications



10.1      None for this information report.




Supporting Documentation


1.            Appendices [delete if not applicable]


1.            Member letter from Cllrs Clare and Powell to April 2022 HOSC

2.            Information on Trans health services provided by Sussex CCGs


2.            Background documents



Trans Equalities Scrutiny Panel Report:



Brighton & Hove Trans Needs Assessment: